Monday, December 13, 2010

and in other news...

Connor lost his two front teeth somewhere between school and home. Again. We can't seem to be there for a tooth-losing with this kid! He looks adorable and a little silly, and I can't wait to see his grown-up teeth come in to match the lowers he lost in June.

Drew and Tucker have started playing together in a pleasant way. It's no longer stealing toys from each other and blood-curdling screams all the time. That's down to about 25% of it now. But this weekend, they started sharing toys, playing with each other, and chasing each other. I haven't heard them laugh like that before, and I'm so glad! Tucker especially seems to be going on a mad spurt of language growth. He's finally given in and started answering affirmatively. instead of grunting, he now says, "uh-huh" which is still pretty rude but at least it's a yes of sorts! Our favorite is when he says the word cracker He just relishes it, and it comes out, "crack-ker" over and over again while he stomps around. I imagine he will delight the hordes who are arriving in about 10 days for Christmas.

Drew is fully into imagination play now, and he re-enacts movies, tv shows and books.

All in all, pretty good times here. Glad that it coincided with "the season"...

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