Monday, August 24, 2009

August 2009

Sorry for the lapse in time - the summer has been busy with babies, renovation, summer school, and preparation for Drew heading to preschool! The good news is that very soon we will be back in our house after a very successful renovation!

New things of my boyos...
Connor has been enjoying his time off after summer school, working out a little during the days, and playing with his younger brothers. Drew has informed me of the following: 1. he wants to go to preschool; 2. he does not want to move back to Mommy and Daddy's house, instead staying by himself at Mr. Victor's house; 3. Baby Tucker is smiling at him, and 4. That he never ever ever ever wants his trains to yell at him. Oh, and most of his toys are scary. His words, not mine. Tucker has graduated from lying there to rolling from his back to his belly, and stands when supported. He also just started sitting more upright, pulling himself away from chair backs when he can, and does some prop sitting all on his own.

Next week I'll post some pictures of the boys back home!