Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday surprise

My birthday is nigh. My present from the boys (all of them) is the iPad I'm writing this on. But tonight, on my birthday eve, I had the best birthday gift. While Tucker and Drew were wrapping up their clean-ups and headed into their pajamas, I had Connor on the floor and was prepping him for bed. I have sat on his floor thousands of times over the years, in essentially the same place, transitioning him to his pajamas. Tonight, for some reason, a teeny lost item decided to turn up right next to me. It came back. The tooth he lost, then I lost!!

For those of you who I have complained to about Connor's teeth, I apologize. For those of you who don't know, here's a quick recap. Connor lost his first 4 teeth on the school bus and they never made it into the house. The fifth tooth was lost at school, and his teacher did get it! There was much rejoicing. But then, when Drew and I prepared to put the tooth under Connor's pillow, it slipped away and got lost in his room. I literally ripped his room apart trying to find it. The next one (6) was lost while I was in NY this summer, was saved for me by my darling husband, and then I promptly and accidentally threw it away when I got home.

It was really beginning to piss me off.

7 was lost on our way to Charlottesville and my sister's wedding. I had ptty much given up at that point. 8 was lost Sunday night, while I was feeding him. He swallowed it.

So to have the one that got away come back? I hugged him to my chest and told him it was the best birthday present. We carefully placed it in a small ziploc bag, and Drew and Tucker helped us put it under Connor's pillow for him. I told Drew that the tooth fairy would take the tooth and put the money in the bag. He thought Connor would get coins, so I made sure that's what he got. And now I have a baby tooth of his to go with the snip of hair from his first haircut. I may not be the sentimental one who keeps the umbilical cord stump or...other parts(??) of my son that have come off (eww) but this I wanted. I never could have put this on my amazon wish list.

No matter what, I think it's going to be a great day.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The retelling of "Fifteen Animals"...by Tucker

For those of you who are parents, or teachers, or just like hilarious stories, tonight was a cornucopia. We truly enjoy the books of Sandra Boynton for the boys here, and usually at least one is read to Tucker each night. Tonight as I was getting Connor into his pajamas, Tucker came in with the book "Fifteen Animals" and said, "Me read it."

If you have read this book, you know that the premise is that this young boy professes to love animals quite a lot, and has given them each a special name, and then all but one is named Bob. The odd-turtle out is named like a prince of the realm.

Anyway, this is Tucker's version (and the all CAPS indicates his emphasis):
Fifteen Animals
Dog. BOB.
Cat. BOB.
Fish. BOB. BOB.
Horse. BOB.
Hamsher. BOB. {yeah. That's the closest he can come to "hamster"}
Rabbit. BOB.
The end

Here's how the book *actually* reads (this is copyrighted material peeps - be respectful)
I really like animals,
I like them a lot.
Fifteen animals is what I’ve got.
I’ve got fifteen animals.
They're friendly and tame, and
I’ve given each one a special name.
I've got a dog named Bob and a cat named Bob
and two fish called Bob and Bob
Then there's Bob my Hamster
and Bob my horse,
and my piglet, known as Bob of course
There's my rabbit Bob and his bunny wide Bob
and their kids, Bob, Bob and Bob
There's Bob the mouse and Bob the bird
And my turtle
Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Four pounds and Obamacare (not really about Obamacare)

For over a year, we've been trying every possible way to get Connor to gain weight. Given how hard it is for him to eat, and at times, keep food down, it's practically impossible for him to gain weight. Between the way his bones are stretching out and his intestinal issues, it's a daily battle. About six months ago, though, I was cruising amazon.com and found this small calorie additive called Benecalorie. I decided to order some and give it a try, and our pediatrician, via email, supported the idea. He didn't seem to have any adverse reaction, so we kept on it, using the additive in one or two meals each day. 330 extra calories in each packet, in an ounce and a half.

A week ago, Connor had his 7 year well child check up. First of all...seven years old!?? There were many days in year one where we never thought we'd get to something as mundane and wonderful as his 7 year old well child checkup. But nevertheless, Lee and I toted him into the doctor's office and found out that since last February, he's gained 4 pounds, 3 of which were after we started with the additive. Connor at most has gained maybe a pound and a half per year since that first spurt of growth as a baby, and the steroids he had to take as his first course of treatment. It's a profound change for him, and for us.

Then, right as that week that started with something so positive was drawing to a close, we received a letter from our healthcare provider. It changed with the new year, so we've been waiting to see how soon the new company would realize that it's de rigueur to reject our claims and DMEs. Apparently, not yet is the answer. They approved our first DME request (DME = durable medical equipment). Connor has grown so tall he's outgrown his school chair, which we received in the summer of 2008. And it would seem that while we know he's due for a new one, no one, for the first time, no one is telling us no! It's our first attempt since the new healthcare package was voted in (and before it's dismantled). Probably unrelated, but who knows?

Anyway, just wanted to share the great news. Oh, I should mention that he's grown almost 4 inches in the last year. At this rate he'll outgrow me in a few years!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things Tucker Likes

I feel as though I need to give Tucker a little more attention here...he's the littlest and often the one I blog the least about. But in a few short days, he'll be 21 months old, and his personality shines through every single day. Here's a short list of things we can say with authority that he likes:
1. He likes to start each day by naming every member of his family before he gets out of his crib.
2. He likes to eat one bite of dinner and announce, "All done. Down, please!"
3. He likes to run away the second you pick up a diaper and wipes to change him.
4. He likes to say "hyena" and "hippopotamus". He has no interest in saying "cow" or "dog". Please, only the hard to pronounce animals which he'll most likely only see in person at a zoo.
5. He likes granola squares with peanut butter. At least it's healthy.
6. He likes his "wee" which is the unfortunate name he has given his blanket (and the mini version of it) that his Ani made him.
7. He likes to dance, and will dance to anything. Ring tones. Commercial jingles. "It Takes Two" by Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock.
8. He likes to wag his finger back and forth and say, "No, no, no!" He does not sound at all like Amy Winehouse when he does so. Thank God.

I can't believe he'll be starting preschool in a few months. He's almost officially out of "Baby Tucker" age, and careening headlong into toddlerhood. In fact, a week cannot pass without him banging his head somehow and walking around with a bruise. It's like there's always a rainbow somewhere on his face. I gave in, and ordered a fallout-level first aid kit with the last of my FSA last year. I figure that this summer, Drew and Tucker will really start to figure out what sibling rivalry means, at least in the fist-y kind of way.