Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tucker's happy..

And he knows it! Know how I know? He claps his hands!!

I'll try to get video later, and will add it in. But big milestone. So excited. I think I'll go clap my hands :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hide and Go Seek

So tonight, we introduced Drew to the tenets of Hide and Go Seek. Drew counted to ten thusly:
"Ten, Eleven, Four, Six...ready or not, here I come!" and tore off in search of Lee. A minute later, I heard him say this: "Babe. You're killing me." when he couldn't find Lee.

Oh, sweet Lord. I wouldn't say he's the funniest child, because they are all funny. But he is so far winning in the funniest child of mine list.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Connor and tests

Part of being Connor's mom is getting him to and through a lot of tests. Today he is having an EEG, a brain-wave test. He has had a lot of these, starting in April 2004 to diagnose his condition. So I'm sitting here on a guerney with him and remembering all the tests. EEGs, EKGs, spinal tap, MRIs, x-rays, blood tests. He's only 5, but he's been through a battery. And he's fantastic during them. A total trooper. Of course, numerous tests happened when he was still very, very small so he slept right through them, but since then...trooper.

In case you haven't had one (and I hope you haven't had cause) an EEG consists of 26 electrodes being adhered to your skin all over your head (and one on your heart) using a waxy substance to make them stick and conduct the electric patterns. Then, your head is wrapped with gauze like a mummy, so that the electrodes don't slip around. Connor does not like things on his head. We may not understand a lot of his likes and dislikes, but this one is quite apparent. He DOES NOT like things on his head. But one they are on, he drifted off to sleep and they recorded how his brain was operating. Each time I try to go in with controlled expectations. Every time a small part of me fails in that, and I go in with "he's healed?" expectations. Now I have to wait until Election Day to find out how it was, and what that means for his medications, and his quality of life.

For those who didn't know him then, the spinal tap was the worst. He was six weeks old, and he was so resistant to the test that first, he ripped out the IV they'd put in, then he held his breath. His oxygen levels dropped, and all hell broke loose in the ER. Once we knew he was all right (at that time - it was pre-diagnosis) it was funny. Of course, before we knew he was all right, it was an agonizing 20 minutes of hallway waiting.

I hope my guy doesn't have to do too many more tests, but the reality is that he will need maintenance EEGs for the foreseeable future. But you know what? He's still fantastic, and each EEG has been better than the previous one. We're still looking forward to a 100% clear EEG, and from what I've been told we are pretty close. I wonder how much closer this one is.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Where, oh where, did September go?

Oh, wait, that's right! It was spent moving, and being sick (all of us!!) and then work and school starting and on and on and on and on!!

The last weekend of August we moved back home, newly expanded and fantastic. We are incredibly happy! We did all get sick the first week home, but somehow managed to survive. A few more things to be set up, a few items to be hung, and we should be settled!

In addition to that, Connor started kingergarten at Glebe Elementary, and he's had such a wonderful transition! His day is much longer now, and he's exhausted every night. It's marvelous! I have pages of work from school already, and it's only been 3 weeks.

The following week, Drew started school as well, and the first night we were treated to a two minute monologue of "and then I...and then I...and then I..."s from him. I had to turn around from the table I was laughing so hard.

Tucker is almost 6 months old and is still bald and toothless and happy as a clam! He laughs ALL THE TIME. It's so much fun! Of course, Drew isn't so hot at the behaving himself thing right now, and I know that little T will one day be like Drew in this way, but for now I'm in complete new-mom denial and expect that Tucker will always be wonderful, wonderful.

Tucker is also no longer the youngest baby in my extended family. Baby Felix joined the larger family yesterday, and there are several more babies on the way. Very exciting time for my family, that is for sure.

All right. Time to start making some Thomas the Tank Engine magic in preparation of Drew's birthday party...

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 2009

Sorry for the lapse in time - the summer has been busy with babies, renovation, summer school, and preparation for Drew heading to preschool! The good news is that very soon we will be back in our house after a very successful renovation!

New things of my boyos...
Connor has been enjoying his time off after summer school, working out a little during the days, and playing with his younger brothers. Drew has informed me of the following: 1. he wants to go to preschool; 2. he does not want to move back to Mommy and Daddy's house, instead staying by himself at Mr. Victor's house; 3. Baby Tucker is smiling at him, and 4. That he never ever ever ever wants his trains to yell at him. Oh, and most of his toys are scary. His words, not mine. Tucker has graduated from lying there to rolling from his back to his belly, and stands when supported. He also just started sitting more upright, pulling himself away from chair backs when he can, and does some prop sitting all on his own.

Next week I'll post some pictures of the boys back home!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

back to work...

Many new things have been going on...

Tucker sleeps 9 hours a night, loves to smile, coo and laugh, rarely cries, watches his brothers and others like a little hawk, and now rolls around and as of yesterday can bring his hands together at midline (technical term).

Drew has realized the power of sad-eyed manipulation and practices on me every day as I get ready for work. He is excited about his new school -we can't wait for him to start!

Connor has started at his new school and seems to be enjoying himself immensely! I can't wait for him to start kindergarten soon.

Our house is getting very close to being ready and we cannot wait to move home!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

End of school and other things

Connor wraps up school tomorrow, and he will be changing schools and attending kindergarten after the summer at Glebe Elementary. We have been so impressed and grateful for the wonderful staff and administration at Tuckahoe, and will miss being so close to school and to his teachers and therapy teams.

Connor is lucky - so lucky. He has a class of students who love him and call him their friend. I know that in his heart they are his friends too, and that he will miss being with them next year. He has really blossomed at school, and become much happier and more responsive. It's been a wonderful thing to see. We continued to be impressed by how open and loving all the kids are with him. I hope he is awake enough at the end of school tomorrow to wave good-bye to them as he has learned to do while at Tuckahoe.

Tucker has turned 2 months old and remains "fantastic" according to his doctor. We happen to agree. Drew has learned to bargain and defiance - an excellent combination. Only a few more months until he goes to school himself. I am very interested to see if he's as bossy there as he is at home...and with his friends...and at the CVS...etc...

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Honest to God, he just said "Goo!" while playing in his baby gymnasium! Photo to follow...

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Each boy had a milestone this week! In order of occurence, there were:
1. Drew - who had the milestone of being old enough to understand that sometimes you just have to show people what you need because they are too dumb to understand what you are saying. Here's the scenario:
We are playing outside, Drew keeps saying, "I need (insert unintelligible word here)." I keep asking him to repeat himself. Finally, he gives up, sighs, grabs my hand and says, "Come on, Mommy. I'll show you."

He wanted sunscreen. It was not sunny.

2. Tucker - who had the milestone of his first real tear. This was on the day he became 6 weeks old. which also means he passed Lee's and my magic 6-week mark, with nothing askew, askance, or a-other.

3. Connor - who had the milestone of growing too large for us to bathe him easily. We have gotten him a bathing chair which should make him (and us) more comfortable!

All right - leave is half over, and things are well. Drew is mostly all right with his new brother, Connor is getting ready for his preschool graduation, and Tucker is eating and sleeping and playing more each day! He still looks pretty much exactly like Drew. He also gives me a good 6 hour chunk each night to sleep. It's phenomenally awesome.

Love my boyos. Need to run and hit band practice!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Newest boyo

Sorry it took me so long to post this - Tucker Smith Wright arrived slightly early (but not unexpectedly) on April 15. He is a fantastic baby, and everyone is thrilled that he is here!

Connor and Drew are adapting pretty well to the new world order. Connor, of course, is a rock and generally is fine with the new brother. When we brought him home from the hospital, Lee put Tucker (in the car seat) down in front of Connor and little C kicked his legs, waved his arms and smiled. Drew ran up to the car calling, "Baby Tucker! Baby Tucker!" Of course, Drew has not been totally all right with the baby, but he's taking his bad moods out on Mommy and (mostly) Daddy, and this morning climbed into my lap and asked if he could hold Baby Tucker. We took this as a good sign. He was very gentle...

All right. Have to organize for our big trips out today to find lots of things for the renovation - bathroom stuff, kitchen stuff, floor stuff, etc.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So we got our renovation permit today - demolition starts tomorrow! WOO HOO!

As of tomorrow, I'll be at 37 weeks, and the new boyo should be making his debut in a few short weeks. I've promised to the best of my ability to not have him between the 4th and 12th of April as my parents will be out of the country. But then again, I can only control that so much.

Drew and Connor have adjusted well to the rental house, or as we've been calling it, Mr. Victor's House. Drew will tell us if he wants to go to Mr. Victor's house or to Mommy and Daddy's house. Lately, he wants to go to Aunt Kim's house, which is great except I can't travel and Aunt Kim lives too far away for a playdate. Rumor has it that they will be in the area next week, and so hopefully we'll get to spend some good time with them! I'm going to propose a bus tour or DUC tour of DC with some of my nephews since that's something close to my office that we could do together one day next week. Which is also my last week of work for a while!

Connor is getting ready to transition to a new school next year, and Lee and I are sad that he will be leaving Tuckahoe and moving elsewhere. Of course, he has to keep moving because it means he's learning and growing, but we will miss the teachers, therapists and administrators who have been tireless advocates for Connor, and who have just plain loved his crazy little self the whole time, too.

Anyway - demolition in less than 12 hours. Game on. Bigger house - here we come. Now if only I can hold on in my basketball brackets I will feel like nothing can top 2009!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Note to self...

I'm pretty sure I will never again use the term "swimmingly" on this blog. Holy hell, what a week! About 4 hours after I posted my last blog entry about how well things were coming together, it went insane! Drew got the nasty stomach virus that's been going around, and made it known by vomiting unexpectedly and PROFUSELY on my mother. Lee and I, of course, stood there aghast but not actually doing anything. So he was sick, and kept us up half the night, and then I had a dr appointment where the baby was hiding from the doppler mic so I got sent to labor & delivery for an hour's worth of monitoring, to discover that he was, in fact, totally fine but wily. Then Drew gave his virus to both Lee and Connor, and I spent Saturday trying to take care of them all without contracting this awful thing.

The good news is, the baby is fine, the boys are all recovered from the virus, and I never got it. And we got actual snow - that was cool! But I'm glad that things are back to normal. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New week - new posting

So things are swimming along very well - surprisingly! This last week of February is crazy, with lots of kid-juggling, but good. We have our rental all set and will be moving in the next few weeks for the renovation to start. (Insert YIKES here). And then there's getting ready for Boyo #3. Many people think we are crazy, and they are most likely correct!

I was out Monday night, and Lee took these photos of Drew and Connor for me. I share them with everyone! More postings to come...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Blog

All right - I can't seem to get Facebook to let me upload 2 different blogs, so what I've decided to do is this - import Chunkin's Blog and DrewBaloo into Facebook, and then create my third (and final) kid-blog by including all my boyos. Since I'm about to have my third boyo, it seems easiest to have one blog streaming for all almost-three of them anyway, and once all the other blog postings are uploaded to my FB page, then I will close the original two and come back here and go with this one.

So give me a few days to get this organized, and myself properly motivated, and then get ready for some blogtastic reading... :)