Friday, June 11, 2010


So this week, two very big things happened.

Thing 1: Connor's chair arrived. It was supremely unexpected, and the best surprise I've ever had. It's smooth and he is so comfortable in it - it's the BEST!!! I've already rhapsodized about it but it deserves daily adoration. I looooooooooooooooooooooove Connor's new chair!!

Thing 2: You know how you spend months trying to build up your young child's confidence in toilet training? You know how one of your prouder moments as a parent is when your child finally toilets properly, and you can see the end of diapers as you know it? I hear it's a beautiful thing. Drew has been making real progress lately, and I'm super proud of him. However, tonight we reached a pinnacle I had just not ever imagined. We had friends over for pizza tonight, and after dinner we were sitting on the deck while Drew and his friends ran around playing in the yard. It was lovely and peaceful, and then. Then...then Drew came up to me on the deck and said, "Mommy, I pooped behind the tree." We all laughed, and I said I think he meant peed. He walked me over to the tree on the other side of the yard. No. He had, in fact, pooped on the yard. We got him cleaned up (it didn't take much - he was very proud) and got a plastic bag to put it in the garbage.

Really. Really? Drew goes from diapers to dog-toileting?

I led him back inside and we talked about the fact that he did a great job not going in his pants, but that next time, he should come inside quickly and use the toilet. Because then he gets his Thomas bribe-toys.

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