Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The retelling of "Fifteen Animals"...by Tucker

For those of you who are parents, or teachers, or just like hilarious stories, tonight was a cornucopia. We truly enjoy the books of Sandra Boynton for the boys here, and usually at least one is read to Tucker each night. Tonight as I was getting Connor into his pajamas, Tucker came in with the book "Fifteen Animals" and said, "Me read it."

If you have read this book, you know that the premise is that this young boy professes to love animals quite a lot, and has given them each a special name, and then all but one is named Bob. The odd-turtle out is named like a prince of the realm.

Anyway, this is Tucker's version (and the all CAPS indicates his emphasis):
Fifteen Animals
Dog. BOB.
Cat. BOB.
Fish. BOB. BOB.
Horse. BOB.
Hamsher. BOB. {yeah. That's the closest he can come to "hamster"}
Rabbit. BOB.
The end

Here's how the book *actually* reads (this is copyrighted material peeps - be respectful)
I really like animals,
I like them a lot.
Fifteen animals is what I’ve got.
I’ve got fifteen animals.
They're friendly and tame, and
I’ve given each one a special name.
I've got a dog named Bob and a cat named Bob
and two fish called Bob and Bob
Then there's Bob my Hamster
and Bob my horse,
and my piglet, known as Bob of course
There's my rabbit Bob and his bunny wide Bob
and their kids, Bob, Bob and Bob
There's Bob the mouse and Bob the bird
And my turtle
Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third.

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