Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is the end....this is the e-e-e-e-end...of the infancy

If you are now hearing a set of chords from the 80s played by Bruce Hornsby, then you are right on the money - totally took over that great song he wrote for Don Henley there in the title. It's appropriate today, because today Tucker is one, and there will be no more infants in my household to whom I personally gave birth.

Tucker's first year has been a really hectic and special one for us. He arrived a little early, 2 days prior to expectation/schedule. When he was delivered, and Dr. Elliot showed him to me over the sterile drape, I gasped and said, "Oh, he looks just like Drew!" Which is hilarious if you take into account that I look practically identical to one of my sisters, and yet it never occurred to me until I saw Tucker in person for the first time that the same "phenomenon of genetics" could happen with my offspring. I know - it's like tunnel vision except with the brain. Tunnel brain.

The day we left the hospital with him, I insisted that Lee stop at our partially renovated house - I wanted Tucker to be home first, even if we would only be there a few minutes before heading over to the rental house and his very excited brothers and grandparents who were waiting there for us.

Tucker has been an easy and genial child. He never seemed to have much trouble with sleeping - it was only 2 months when I started getting 9 hour stretches at night. He cries when he's hurt or extremely, extremely tired. He laughs almost constantly, and you can turn his tears into laughter with minimal effort. It usually takes Drew only one "Peekaboo!" to bring Tucker back to his sunny disposition. He started crawling before he was 8 months old, and walking in his 11th month. His first tooth broke in his 7th month, and now he has 6! He has said "dada", "mama", "megan", "hi", "uh oh", "blah, blah, blah" and "gerry" though not always on purpose.

He has started to discover Connor, and it will be interesting to see how he absorbs the difference of Connor into himself, and to see how it is similar to Drew and how it is different.

He seems to think that Drew is the best thing ever. I wish Drew felt the same way all the time instead of taking toys away from him.

I cannot wait to see what the rest of the years will bring. I am so grateful and happy that he has had such an amazing first year. No doctor visits other than well-baby checkups. No major falls, like off the stairs or a bed.

But...I miss my baby already.

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